Christine & Trevor's Wedding Day

July 30, 2015  •  3 Comments

This day began at the St. Regis Hotel and the Grooming Lounge in DC.  Christine and Trevor had their first meeting on Georgetown Campus under a beloved old Tulip Poplar followed by a ceremony in Dahlgren Chapel and an amazing party at the St Regis Hotel!

Congratulations Christine and Trevor!!   

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Christine & Trevor C55Christine & Trevor C55Wedding at the St. Regis Saint Christine & Trevor C56aChristine & Trevor C56aWedding at the St. Regis Saint


Tamara E Mizrachi(non-registered)
Where is the library?? What a gorgeous venue
Barbara Adams(non-registered)
Christine and Trevor, all the best! It was an absolutely amazing day, captured beautifully in these photos. I am so glad to have been a part of your celebration. The library pictures are phenomenal! The Mother/Daughter picture is probably my favorite for obvious reasons. All our love and prayers for your upcoming relocation and new endeavors together.
Jan O'Neill(non-registered)
Absolutely Beautiful!!!! What a fun celebration!!!!!
Much love
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